Thursday, September 27, 2007
Amazon to Rival iTunes for Downloaders

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Now you can carry your pictures with you digitally
My mother adores pictures. What mother doesn’t? As for technology… well, she’s catching up, but isn’t quite there yet. I’ve been debating the idea of buying her something technologically savvy for her birthday, but also easy for her to use. With so many new technology gadgets on the market, it’s difficult to choose the one that would suit her best.
Enter the TAO digital keychain…
With digital cameras becoming more commonplace in homes around the world, digital frames are now rising in popularity across the world. Making it easy to view a large amount of pictures with little to no effort, digital frames are a great way to share a lot of special memories at once and in a subtle and aesthetically pleasing way. What’s great about digital frames is their ability to blend into the background of a room. Simply place them on a slideshow mode and they’ll display your pictures to whoever passes by. Many digital frames also have special features, such as allowing you to add music.
A digital keychain is a tiny digital frame that you can carry on your keys. With this great mini gadget, you’ll no longer have to remember to carry digital cameras with you in order to show friends and family your favourite moments. The TAO digital keychain comes in a variety of models and styles and can hold up to 56 digital photos depending on which model you select. Included with the keychain is user-friendly software available for Mac and PC as well as a standard AC adapter to recharge the device. The TAO 1.5-Inch Digital Keychain Frame has the following technical details:
- Holds up to 31 photos
- 1.5-inch OLED LCD screen
- 8MB internal memory
- PC/Mac compatible
- Rechargeable battery
While TAO does not hold the monopoly on the digital keychain, it is the highest ranked among its competitors and offers many models and styles for customers to select from. It appears to be the perfect gift for those who love pictures, but are not as technology inclined.
My boss has an iPhone and I don’t
I decided a long time ago that life is unfair. That may be a little on the drastic side, but this is an article about the iPhone and the fact that I still do not have one is making me drastic, but I digress…

Voila! The iPhone
On June 29, 2007, Apple launched their new smart phone, the iPhone, and marked yet another notch on their impressive belt of success. While the Apple Corporation has been in business for years, it is only with the release of new gadgets such as the iPod and now the iPhone, that they have finally driven their business to international fame and success. Apple’s success with their MP3 player and smart phone have come as a hit to Microsoft, whose MP3 player, the Zune, did not reach the success that they had expected. Today, Apple products have become a popular trend. Apple users band together and support the new technology they love.
The iPhone’s user-friendly functionality and sleek interface has made it an instant success among Apple addicts and those who love new technology. Comprised of a liquid crystal display touch screen and an overwhelming amount of features, the iPhone is a perfect gadget for those who are constantly on the go. It is easy to use and looks great.
The iPhone is a phone, a camera, a multimedia device, and a mini internet ready computer… it even plays games!
Smart phones have made life easier and the iPhone is no exception. Its wide range of features allows users to access all forms of technology in one simple device:
- Check your email from anywhere
- Make important phone calls
- Visit websites
- Play music
- Take pictures
- Send text messages
- Download ringtones
- Play games
What makes the iPhone a trendy gadget in the world of new technology is its sleek liquid crystal display touch screen. Rather than searching through endless menus to find what you need, the iPhone users can simply touch the image of the item they want to open and it opens. The large screen is easy to read and shows images with a high resolution, clear display. Turning the iPhone to a horizontal position moves the image that is open on the display to a horizontal position as well. This feature makes it easier to see certain images on a larger scale.
"iPhone – Exclusively from AT&T and Apple”
While Apple is in discussion concerning the possibility of releasing the iPhone to more cell phone service providers, AT&T remains their original choice and currently holds the monopoly over the smart phone’s service. AT&T boasts that this decision is supposed to allow for “seamless integration between network and device”, but it is difficult not to assume that more than half the reason was to drive users to choose AT&T as their service provider. AT&T is also supposed to have the best network in the United States, offering a broader range of cell phone reception than its competition.
Why not Canada?
It seems as though Canada’s lack of population has limited our abilities in the cell phone world. We have fewer options than the United States and even fewer than Great Britain. Currently the iPhone is not available in Canada, although we should get it eventually. In Canada, patience is a virtue.
As my boss continues to show off his impressive phone to all of us here at Pixideal, I will try to remain patient. The iPhone’s popularity is definitely not diminishing and so, eventually, I’ll be able to get one of my own. Maybe then, I can be the cool one.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Another spy gadget for James Bond's arsenal
James Bond would be envious of the new, world's smallest spy camcorder...

Remember all those hidden camera shows from the nineties? Now you can have your own hidden camera show anywhere you want. Who knows what great information you can gain, all without the knowledge of the subjects you’re filming. While most digital camcorders are too large to subtly film anyone, anywhere, this spy gadget takes away the threat of being caught.

Simply press the “Record/Stop” button to get this spy gadget going and it will subtly flash green to let you know it is recording. Record up to 33 hours of video on a 1Gb Micro SD card. The pinpoint hidden camera lens is next to impossible to see, but records a high quality digital video. This spy gadget includes a USB driven battery charger, allowing for an easy recharge. You can even send the video files to your cell phone or PDA.
Currently costing $395.00, the PI-Camcorder TinyTek Stick is expensive, but as far as spy gadgets go, not as expensive as it could be.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Three Cheers for Solar Technology
As our planet continues to face global warming, pollution and energy-waste, more gadget-makers and distributors are exploring using alternate power sources for their gadgets. Aside from hybrid cars and solar panels for rooftops, new gift ideas and unique items are starting to surface around the world that also have the “going green” focus. One such item, called the Sun Jar, is a simple lamp that soaks up the solar energy throughout the day and uses this solar technology to glow at night. A great way to teach kids about solar technology, the Sun Jar is a wonderful example of a movement towards positive change in the world of gadgets.

The Solar Tent is yet another interesting example of merging technology and nature together. It is equipped with a 7-inch solar panel designed to capture sunlight to power the interior LED lights and charges your batteries. Family fun that doesn’t wreck the environment is always a great thing.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
MP3 = Music on the Move
Wait a minute -- does everyone have an iPod?
I remember being ten years old and getting a Sony Walkman for my birthday. Remember those? I thought it was just about the coolest thing ever… that is until the Discman came out and all my tapes started converting into CDs. Nowadays, I sport my video iPod, which I’ve convinced myself that I “need” for my thirty minute train ride into work. I have to admit, I love using it and it was a good investment. Whether it’s checking the time, watching a TV show or movie, or simply listening to music, the video iPod is one of those all-around useful gadgets. It makes the train ride zoom by.
MP3 players like the iPod, Creative Zen, Sandisk and Sony are all competing to make our life a little more enjoyable. Instead of staring off into space while we are stuck on public transit or working out at the gym, we can be entertained. Longer battery life and new features like video capabilities and car adapters have made owning a MP3 player similar to having your own portable entertainment system in your pocket. More than that, they’ve also become a lifestyle in themselves. It’s trendy to have a MP3 player, and all of us who held off for a bit will admit to being jealous when all the “cool kids” had one and we didn’t.
The vast selection of iPod accessories only serves to prove the immense popularity the gadget has risen to. iPod headphones, protective covers, speakers, splitters, voice recorders, car adapters and more are sold every day en mass. While other MP3 players, such as the Creative Zen may even be more user-friendly, cost-efficient and powerful, the iPod remains the trendy MP3 player of choice. It’s variety of colours and sizes appeals to its target market of teenagers and young professionals. What started off as a niche market has quickly grown into an empire. Apple’s extensive advertising campaigns have been immensely successful and it shows.
MP3 players, which used to simply play music, are now being incorporated into many cell phones. These “smart phones” allow you to call your friends, check the time, listen to music and video, surf the web and much more. The only question that remains is how did we ever get along without these gadgets?
Today the average price of an MP3 player starts at around $40.00 and continues upwards the more bells and whistles you want to add. It’s always a good idea to browse around before settling on a choice as each brand and model offer different options. Check out http://www.pixideal.ca/ for great deals on MP3 players.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
From Polaroid Popularity to Digital Simplicity
“Why can’t I see them now?” Jennifer asked her father, Edwin Land.
If Edwin Land were still alive today chances are he would be thrilled to see the lengths his concept of “instant photography” has reached. Digital cameras, especially the Digital SLR's like Nikon’s D40 have made even the most photography inept person into a professional. It’s never been easier to take awe-inspiring shots. It’s even possible to delete the ones that don’t come out too well, without having to spend a penny for development. Yes, life has certainly changed.
Back in 1947, Land released the Land Camera in order to make photography accessible for everyone. The Land Camera provided its user with instant pictures and cut out the time consuming and expensive trip to the development center. In a flash, North America became photographers. The Polaroid craze spread throughout the continent. These portable and user-friendly devices captured smiling faces at birthday parties, family vacations and holiday get-togethers. By the mid-eighties most families in North America owned at least one camera and a pile of photo albums marking all the important highlights of a person’s life were commonplace in every home.

These days it’s even easier to take great pictures. With digital camera prices becoming more and more reasonable, it’s no surprise that North Americans are going photo crazy. Although Polaroid cameras offered the simplicity of having tangible prints of your photos almost immediately after you click the button, digital photos can be manipulated, used online and even printed either at the local Wal-mart photo center or at home on a personal photo printer. The options are truly endless. I’d like to think that Edwin Land would be proud of the strides we’ve made in making photography cost-efficient, easy and a whole lot of fun. He could finally say, “You can see them right now, Jennifer.”
While SLR digital cameras like the Nikon 40 range in cost from $600.00-$1000.00, more basic digital cameras can be purchased for as little as $99.00 and most are even small enough to fit in your pocket.
Unfortunately the Land Camera is a thing of the past, but with prices continuing to drop and quality on the rise, right now is a perfect time to find the best digital camera for your needs and get those professional quality photos you’ll love for a lifetime.