- Katie
Friday, October 19, 2007
Um... yeah.. I'm lost...
- Katie
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Want to buy George Jetson's car?

It is a bold step towards furthering a more environmentally friendly car industry and I personally am excited to see what's next.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
They always say, safety first!
In a world filled with accidents, it comes as no surprise that safety is a chief concern among most people worldwide. While some of us (and no, I won't name names) do go out of our way to avoid safety, on average, the rest of us are satisfied with buying into concepts and new technology that keep our safety in the highest regard.
Parking safety has been the newest thing under the microscope and with huge strides in new technology, we have now come up with technogical ways to keep our parking safety in the forefront. The largest concern in the world of parking safety is backing up one's car from a driveway or parking spot. The majority of accidents caused by inability to properly see what's behind your car is a growing problem and many electronics creators have been creating new technology to counteract this disturbing issue.
Introducing, Haodi USA -- Parking Safety Devices
The product: the PAS-404
The purpose: To be a "third eye" for drivers who have checked their blind spots, but still could possibly be unable to see objects and people behind their vehicles.
The facts:
• The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported collision avoidance systems can potentially reduce motor vehicle crashes by approximately 70%.
• An estimated 20% of accidents are backing related.
• Failure, by the driver, to see a vehicle, object or person in the number one cause of backing accidents.
• The National Highway Traffic Safety Association reports an estimated 390 people die each year from being backed over.
• Children aged 1-4 are most at risk
• Every 1.6 minutes, another driver backs into trouble.
(These facts are taken from http://www.haodiusa.com/)
The cost: $150.00 + depending on system choice.
At such a low cost and with such a high reward, this new product appears to be a fantastic answer to this growing concern. If these electronics can save the lives of children and adults alike, then I personally believe they should be placed in every car.
Should http://www.4pixideal.com/ sell this product on our website? Leave us a comment below. We'd love to know what you think.
Monday, October 15, 2007
You NEED a digital frame!
Okay, so maybe telling you what you need (or don't need) isn't the most effective way to convince someone to do something (AKA, enter the Pixideal win a digital frame contest), but I figured it was worth a try anyhow seeing as it is October 15, 2007 and we only have 17 days left in the contest.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Waterproof computers -- what's next?
Will wonders never cease?
Well, I can honestly say that I never thought I'd see the day when I could mix water and electronics together, but the Flytech K790 has proved me wrong. Amazing new technology allows the Flytech K790 computer to be the first in the new world of waterproof computers.
Although not much has been said about waterproof computers, or specifically the Flytech K790, I expect within not too long information about this new technology will be readily available. The Flytech K790 has a stainless frame and a touch screen display. It comes in 4 different sizes.
What do you think about waterproof computers? Is this a new technology you'd be interested in buying? Have some more information on the Flytech K790? Leave me some comments below. I'd love to hear from you.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Gadgets for the Lazy Man
With obesity on the rise across North America, clearly what we really need is to make things easier for the lazy man, who spends most of his (or her) time on the sofa. Or not.
Regardless of the fact that our society continues to delve into more lazy habits every moment, we continue to release a number of gadgets which are specifically catered to the lazy man. These lazy gadgets do the mundane tasks we should be doing ourselves and help us to avoid getting off the couch. I mean, I am all for gadgets, but lazy gadgets? They may seem unbelievably attractive on the surface, but what they're actually doing is teaching us that we don't have to do anything for ourselves anymore. Have we not seen the movies where all of our technology dies and we cannot even make food for ourselves? Let us hope that we are not as reliant on our technology as we may seem. After all, gadgets should exist to help us make things simpler, not to make us idiots.
Recently, the Onion did an article on a new remote control for remote controls. Of course, the Onion is a satirical online magazine that writes fake news reports for laughs, but their point is clear. We are getting lazier by the day.
Let us take a look at some of the lazy gadgets we probably have lying around our houses. I will readily raise my hand to admit that I own three of the five listed items.
How reliant are you on your lazy gadgets?
The Top Five Lazy Man Gadgets
1) The Universal Remote Control
- Don't even bother getting up to change the channels. This gadget will do it all for you.
2) Electronic One-Touch Can Opener
- Crank a can open the old fashioned way? Never. Simply touch once and no more lid!
3) Electronic Toothbrush
- Moving back and forth with my toothbrush was such a pain. Now I just hold it.
4) Self Stirring Mug
- Stir my own coffee? Insanity.
5) Robomower
- Don't ever mow your own lawn again. Don't even pay the neighborhood kids to either.Have a thought about lazy gadgets? I'd love to hear it. Leave me a note below.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Nintendo Gameboy taught me everything I need to know
Remember the Nintendo Gameboy? Recently I've been blogging about new gadgets and the insane world of things to come, but I thought this post I would reflect back on past gadgets, namely the Nintendo Gameboy. Handheld game consoles have come a long way since the Nintendo Gameboy was released in 1989. Sega Gamegear brought us coloured screens and Sonic the Hedgehog and now handheld game consoles have everything we could ever imagine or expect including the ability to watch movies, access the internet, play games with amazing graphics, save images and more.
I still think that everything I needed to know, I learned from the Nintendo Gameboy.
- Life is about sharing - When you don't share the Gameboy, no one gets to play.
- It is OK to lose sometimes - When Mario falls off a cliff and dies, he always gets another chance.
- Never give up - No matter how many times you fill the screen at Tetris, you can get to the next level with a little bit of perserverence.
- Good will triumph over evil - Maybe not right away, but if you wait for it, good always wins.
- Don't forget to stretch - There's nothing more painful then getting a cramp when you're in the last level of the game.
- No cheating - You cheat, you die. It's that simple.
If handheld game consoles have taught me anything over the years its that people love to play. We create gadgets to help us make work less difficult and fun more... well... fun. Nintendo Gameboy made a child out of all of us and taught us that there is more to life than work.
Have a Nintendo Gameboy memory you want to share? You know I'd love to hear it. Leave it in our comment section below.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Smart Pen proves that the pen is mightier then... the computer?
As a writer, I am thrilled to announce the FLY smart pen.
This great new gadget is a digital pen that records everything you write and allows for easy transfers of all of your writing onto your computer. Now you don't even need to drag your laptop to class or work, you can simply carry this fat ball point pen and it will record everything you write down with it. Of course, you'll need to put in the AAA batteries and have the special paper, but all in all, this is one of the new gadgets I'm excited to try.
More then merely a cool new gadget, the FLY smart pen is also an educational tool. Priced at around $100.00, this digital pen is a great gift for children and students who can actively learn through the act of writing as well as profit from having their notes backed up on the computer. It is no surprise that the creator of the FLY smart pen is no other than LeapFrog, a company that has reached huge success from the creation of educational computers and electronic toys for children.
This digital pen comes with software programs that include math exercises, FlyTones (which teaches children about music), a calculator and a schedule mode. Additional software cartridges can be purchased at an additional cost.
While many other digital pens have been previously released on the market, the FLY smart pen is the only one that read software right off the page as it moves. This new technology bodes well in a market where time is of the essence and new gadgets are always widely accepted with open arms.
To learn more about the FLY smart pen, check out the LeapFrog website by clicking here.
Friday, October 5, 2007
I want a talking robot
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Introducing Kodak's Digital Photo Frame..
Well as we're giving away the Kodak EasyShare EX-811 Wi-Fi Digital Picture Frame I figured it was probably a good idea to do a product review. After all, we do have these guys lying around the office and I'm all about borrowing things from work for education's sake. I'm becoming more of a geek girl by the moment.
Digital frames have recently become the latest "must have" new technology. Since no one really seems to bother developing pictures anymore, it seems only logical that we would create a new technology that would function alongside our new lifestyles. In steps digital frames. Now we can display up to a hundred pictures at a time and still maintain the classy frame look. Has anyone seen Antitrust? I remember a scene in this 2001 technology-esque movie where the Bill Gates type character has these "paintings" on his wall that shift depending on his mood. I can clearly remember commenting to my friends how "wicked cool" that was. Now it seems terribly average. My digital frame sits on my book case and switches between my vacation pictures and candid "around town" shots. It's a great world.
In Steps the Kodak Digital Frame
Kodak's Easyshare EX811 digital frame is a pretty cool gadget. Not only does it have a remote control (which let me tell you, has just made me the LAZIEST person alive), but it has a crisp 16:9 high resolution display. My pictures look clearer and more vivid on this little digital frame then they do on my camera itself. The best feature of this new technology, in my modest opinion, is the built-in speakers. You can program this digital frame to play your favorite tunes. It's like a personal slide show that you can bring anywhere you want.
Kodak is one of those name brands that actually is high quality at a reasonable cost. I was impressed by its durability and the resolution on the 8" screen. If you're a picture-obsessed person who loves embracing new technology, then the Kodak digital frame is definitely for you.
If only I could enter the digital frame contest...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Microsoft's New Zune MP3 player takes on iPod again...
Microsoft is at it again. Not satisfied with being completely outsold and forgotten, Microsoft is releasing their newest attempt to take down Apple's iPod -- the Zune. Yeah, we've heard this before, but this Zune is sleek, comes in a variety of colours and looks oddly similar to the iPod video nano.
Introducing... the Zune...
I have to admit that although I've always been a strong advocate of taking down Microsoft, they definitely do seem to have something better to offer this time around with their latest video mp3 player. These cool gadgets come in 4GB and 8GB formats and sell for approximately $199.99 USD. Although they have the same touch navigation system as the iPod, this video mp3 player has something unique to offer. The Zune has a wireless synchronisation system, which can access the internet over wi-fi networks. It also comes with a built in FM tuner, for those of us who just want to listen to the radio every now and then. You can even import recorded TV shows via Microsoft's Windows Media Center for Vista. This time around, they're not holding back.
Please welcome the iPod Video Nano...

There's just something about the iPod nano that always makes me want to run out to the nearest electronics store and pick one up immediately. Perhaps it is the cool colours, or the look and feel of the device, but these little guys just seem to say "buy me." On a slightly less biased note, this video mp3 player offers up to 5 hours of uninterrupted TV, movies, music and video podcasts. It does not have the wireless capabilities of the Zune, but is offering an enhanced interface with a larger resolution (320x240) and a 65% brighter than before display screen. It even boasts to hold up to 7,000 pictures. iPod is definitely not fading out in the background with this device. Keeping the same great look and feel, they've merely enhanced certain elements and added some features.
So the major question in this article is -- Will Microsoft's Zune be a contender in the video mp3 player playing field or will the iPod nano prevail yet again? You decide.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Suggestions, Comments, Thoughts, Criticisms?
Website up and new contest in the works and we have to admit that things have been getting a little crazy here at 4Pixideal.ca. We're excited for what's coming up and we have a lot of really interesting and (we think) great ideas for the future, but more importantly...
What do you think?
We would love to know what you'd like to see up on 4Pixideal. Are there new gadgets you'd love to buy that you simply can't find here? Do you have suggestions on better models/makes that we don't currently offer? We'd love to know what about 4Pixideal you like and what you think we should tweak in order to make it more accessible to our customers. Leave us a comment here, or drop me an email at katie@pixideal.com and let me know what you think.
Win a Digital Frame Contest
We are giving away a Kodak digital frame monthly to the best digital picture taken and uploaded onto Pixilive. It's a great contest and there really is no catch, so send in your entries today. Send 'em in again tomorrow if you'd like. We don't have any limits on the amount of photos you can send, so get out your cameras and get snapping.
As always, any questions or comments can either be posted here or emailed to me at katie@pixideal.com. I answer all my emails, so don't hesistate. Just send! :)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Win a Free Digital Photo Frame!

Display your pictures with style, class and a whole lot of fun with Kodak's Easyshare EX-811 digital picture frame. We're giving one away monthly to the BEST digital picture. If you think you've got what it takes to impress our panel of judges, submit your original digital photography TODAY!